Jul 21, 2015 - Home Guard    No Comments

An old linen map

The Home Guard has fascinated me for as long as care to remember, and one day whilst browsing e-bay on my mobile I thought I would type in “Home Guard” just to see what would pop up. I was amazed when in the results was an old Home Guard Linen map! I did not know where this was, but I wanted this treasure! I bid on it thinking it would be a bidding war so I tried to remain calm (which is easier said than done).


$_57 (3)

I went to work and excitedly told my friend Sam about my bid and promised to bring it in to show her should I win. I would check my bid numerous times, and in the end told myself that if I won it then it was meant to be, if not… then it wasn’t.

When the email come though informing me of my successful bid I was delighted!

I couldn’t wait to see it! This linen map, this treasure! I eagerly checked for post every day, until the day arrived….




Not only did I gain a map, but also a friend! The gentleman I bought this off showed me photos of his father on parade, with his rifle against his shoulder before they were issued uniforms.

He looked rather stern looking, but I am sure after a hard days graft, the home guard duties must have added to the tiredness.

So glad I got hold of this 🙂

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